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PT BUANA LANGGENG CIPTA,*Electrical Cable Accessories *Industrial Automation *Instrumentation & Control *Oil & Gas Supplies * Hp/WA 0812 188 2022 - 0817 132 310
  • ProMinent
  • Prominent Diaphragm Metering Pump

Prominent Diaphragm Metering Pump

Update Terakhir
16 / 02 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit



Detail Prominent Diaphragm Metering Pump

Prominent Diaphragm Metering Pump

Product Description

Diaphragm Pump
Prominent Solenoid Driven Metering Pumps:
Prominent pump Beta series: BT4b, BT5b
Prominent pump delta series: DLTa 1612, DLTa 1020, DLTa0450, DLTa1608
Prominent pump gamma/x series: GMXa 1602, GMXa 1604, GMXa 0708, GMXa 0220, GMXa 0715, GMXa 0424, etc.

Prominent Motor Driven Metering Pumps:
The motor driven metering pumps can handle the following substances:
Chemicals up to over 1,000 l/h
Disinfectants in potable water treatment
Disinfectants in cooling circuits
Flocculants in waste water treatment
Additives in the paper industry
Additives in plastic manufacturing

Prominent pump Alpha series: the motor-driven metering pump alpha is the metering pump for liquid media and the optimum solution for simple applications. Robust, low-noise, chemical-resistant, with precise metering and good suction capacity.
Prominent pump ALPc 1001, ALPc 1002, ALPc 1004, ALPc 1008
Prominent pump ALPc 0707, ALPc 0417, ALPc 0230

Prominent Motor Driven Metering Pump Sigma/ 1 series: 12017 PVT, 12017 SST, 12035 PVT
Prominent Motor Driven Metering Pump Sigma/2 series
Prominent Motor Driven Metering Pump Vario C

Prominent Pneumatic Metering Pumps:
Technical details
Prominent Pneumatic Metering Pump Pneumados series: PNDb 1000, PNDb 1601, PNDb 1005, PNDb 0708, PNDb 0413, PNDb 0220

Compressed air requirement approx. 50 l/h, non-oiled compressed air preferred
Length of the compressed air line between the valve and pump max. 1 metre
Diaphragm deflection from the centre position

Prominent Precision Plunger Metering Pump
This pump is ideal in situations where very small volumes of liquid (from around 0.02 ml/h) need to be continuously metered, for example in laboratories or the processing industry. Work processes can also be organised with the ProMinent process timer, the convenient alternative to timers or PLCs. It is also possible to set up a PROFIBUS? interface for connection to process control systems. The only thing our engineers expect to be overwhelmed with is curious questions.

Prominent Diaphragm Metering Pumps:

Prominent Diaphragm Metering Pump Makro/5:
The diaphragm metering pump Makro/5 (M5Ma) together with the Makro/ 5 hydraulic diaphragm and plunger metering pumps form a range of drive mechanisms with stroke lengths of 20 and/or 50 mm. This covers the capacity range from 38 to 6,000 l/h at 320-4 bar. A wide range of drive versions is available, including some for use in Exe and Exde areas with ATEX certification.

Prominent Diaphragm Metering Pump Makro TZ:
Prominent Diaphragm Metering Pump ProMinent EXtronic:
Prominent Diaphragm Process Pump TriPower

Prominent Hydraulic Diaphragm Metering Pumps
Where ProMinent hydraulic technology is found:

Oil and gas production (onshore/offshore)
Chemical and petrochemical industry
Food production
Packaging industry (bottling pumps)

Prominent Plunger Metering Pumps

Prominent Plunger Metering Pump Makro TZ
Prominent Plunger Metering Pump Makro/5

Please contact us: A&S Pump Co.,Ltd, we'll be more than happy to meet your request!
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